Why Bionic

Bionic comes from latin “bios ( life ) + ico (referred to)” Bionic means referred to life. The Bionic Festival is an ode to life, and calls for great dancers and musicians to share stage with great Trees. Great Artists & Trees together. A fun way to unite Science & Art, and talk about the human relation with itself and the environment. Celebrating an artistic dialogue between different organisms. People & Plants Performing Arts. The Bionic Festival organizes talks with environmental & human rights organizations to understand that people & plants are united in the challenge of improving the world´s ecological resilience. Music and Dance sessions with mobile trees, purifying and anti-stress workshops, and an open call for artists, dancers and performers, to take part in a Bionic Dance competition, are the core activities of the Bionic Festival.

In the seven Bionic Festivals organized we have donated 65 adult trees to three Urban gardens in Madrid, environmental organizations and several neighbouring communities in Madrid & Lisbon. We have also donated over 100 indoor plants and many seeds. The 65 adult trees donated by The Bionic Festival have absorbed more than 500 tons of CO2. Its a small change but opens the gateway for performing arts with negative carbon emissions.

We hope to unite art and replantation programs in a festive and positive manner as we work together with local institutions and associations to shape a greener future.


Check our Madrid Bionic Map and our Lisbon Bionic Map  to visit our trees.

We just finished the Bionic Festival 2024, and we are re-calculating our carbon footprint, we will publish our full carbon footprint report in march 2025 in www.biomima.org


negative carbon balance