Navina Neverla
Navina Neverla 1984, Hindu-Austrian Artist. Her work fluctuates between Performing Arts & Timebased Media. She works as a Dance-Maker, Performance & Multimedia Artist. In her artistic practice she is busy with transcendence, ritual, limits & intercultural identity. In 2020 she moved to Vienna and founded the association MovingImageMovingBody – Verein zur Förderung zeitgenössischer Kunst und holistischer Praxis and became part of Wiener Perspektive Teaching & Education group. For her work-inprogress Respiratory Protection 2045 she received the Einmaliges Arbeitsstipendium der Stadt Wien aufgrund von Covid-19, which she presented at Espaço Alkantara as a work-in-progress in the context of Moving(Re)union with the support from the Austrian Embassy in Lisbon (through BMEIA) in October 2020 and has beeninvited to BionicFestival Madrid.
Her art work has been funded by BKM Hamburg, AugsteinStiftung, Hamburgische Kulturstiftung, Larga Marcha Arte y Ediciones & through Crowdfunding. Residencies at Espaço do Tempo, Fleetstreet Theatre, AADK Centro Negro. Her performance I SEE YOU_YOU SEE ME (created at Forum Dança) premiered at Rua das Gaivotas 6, presented also TAGV Coimbra, Zaratan Lisbon, MOM Art Space Hamburg and at Raw Matters 2019 with Anna Prokopvá.
Her work has been presented internationally in the context of filmfestivals, visual art since 2009. Since 2012, she has been creating Performances. As a dancer/performance artist she has worked with Vânia Rovisco, Cristine de Smedt at TATE Modern, Monoel Barbosa, Gods Entertainment, Isabelle Schad, André Guedes and Kavata Mbiti. Navina holds an MA in Creative Practice from Trinity Laban / Independent Dance, 2015; Diploma from HFBK Hamburg & BA in Mediaculture. She has also worked in Curation, Cultural Management and Media Production.