Marcelo Rubal | Finalista
Marcelo studied in the Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático of Madrid (RESAD), where he has been Scenic Art teacher. Marcelo is BA in Fine Arts in Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He studied with Jacques Lecoq en París, and with William Leyton and Pawel Rouba. Marcelo has worked with the most relevant spanish artists like Fernando Fernán Gómez, Adolfo Marsillach, Gerardo Vera, Francisco Nieva, Nuria Espert, Ricardo Bofill, Miguel Narros, Manolo Gutiérrez Aragón, Rafael Alberti, Julia Gutiérrez Caba, Juan Guerrero Zamora, Albert Boadella, etc.
He has participated in productions of the Centro Dramático Nacional, Compañía Nacional Teatro María Guerrero, Teatro Español, Compañía Fernando Fernán Gómez, Compañía Adolfo Marsillach, Compañía Julia Gutiérrez Caba, Teatro Reina Victoria, amongst others. In Television Marcelo has participated in many series as main role and co-protagonist like “Barrio Sésamo”, “El soldado Bombolon” and “Los Galácticos”. He has taken part of International Festivales like the Cinema Bienalle di Venezia, the International Theatre Festival of Zagreb, Prague and San Sebastian, the “Festival de Teatro Nuevo de Alcoy”, the “Festival de Teatro de Avilés”, etc. Marcelo has received serveral prizes like the Antena de Oro ( Golden Antena) for his role in “Barrio Sesamo”, the first prize of the International Theatre Festival of Zagreb, and the first prize of the RTVE “El Semáforo”. He has had exhibitions in the Faculty of Fine Arts, Gallery Juana Mordo, Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Gallery Espacio Trapecio, etc. MIMOarte